Welcome To Wecourier

Wecourier - Parcel delivery courier management Logistics support CMS Laravel Script Installation

Welcome to the setup Wecourier - Parcel delivery courier management Logistics support cms


1. Please configure your PHP settings to match following requirements:

PHP Settings Current Version Required Version Status
PHP Version 8.2.23 8.1.0+

2. Please make sure the extensions/settings listed below are installed/enabled:

Extension/settings Current Settings Required Settings Status
MySQLi On On
GD On On
cURL On On
allow_url_fopen On On
OpenSSL PHP Extension On On
PDO PHP Extension On On
BCMath PHP Extension On On
Ctype PHP Extension On On
Fileinfo PHP Extension On On
Zip PHP Extension On On
Mbstring PHP Extension On On
Tokenizer PHP Extension On On
XML PHP Extension On On
JSON PHP Extension On On
date.timezone UTC Timezone

3. Please make sure you have set the writable permission on the following folders/files:


Database Configuration

Please enter your database connection details.


Please enter your account details for administration.